How do you show the excitement with the girls? The answer to this question wants to know every man. Why is the excitement speaks, ready if the girl more and more outspoken weasel. For many of the outward signs of arousal of a man can understand how his preliminary effective actions.

The excitement of the girls manifested psychological and physiological levels. Psychological often precedes the physiology, even if in some cases the opposite happens.
As the excited girl: symptoms and signs
Since ancient times sexual relations were an integral part of life. Also, not only for procreation. Sexual arousal is a kind of stress to the body. Then, as the excited girl: the symptoms bring with them not only physiological but also psychological. The main physiological signs of arousal are: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing, sweating (especially the palms).
The main sign of sexual arousal is the hydration of the genital tract. This happens due to the filling of the blood vessels in the blood, with the result that the walls become wet vaginal secret. Because of the inflow of blood to the genital lips of the woman takes place their swelling and hydration. This also serves as indicators of the arousal of the girl. When excited by the whole body begins to "recover", the breast begins to grow in size, it becomes more elastic.
Even if a young expert in terms of excitement the girl is easy to do. Much more difficult than that, as to relieve the symptoms of the common cold. Every girl needs an individual approach. It is important to remember that the erogenous zones. Each area to explore and try on the girl. With time these areas every girl can change. If properly excite a girl, she can feel like a pain in the heart: the same symptoms (increased blood pressure, etc). But it is not dangerous.
At the bottom of the main erogenous zone is considered to be the clitoris, the labia, and the same vagina. Also to these areas relates – chest ( nipples). Kiss, touch, caress, all this is conducive to the excitation of not only women, but also the man. Still a spicy is the area of the neck. Some of the women from the proper caress of the neck can reach orgasm. You can whisper sweet words, because, as is well known-whisper, also excites. In the same way, as it hurts the liver: symptoms relieving medications, and physical tension and stiffness, the girls can remove the usual caresses.

Especially the girls like it when a young man, clean-shaven and smell good toilet paper water. You need to create a romantic atmosphere for more excitement. Women love with ears, so, I have to say compliments, sweet words, you can read romantic poems. After that you can start kissing, weasel. You should start with the lips and slowly moving down, to pay attention to the neck and the hands (many of these places are erogenous). All this will help you get started. If a man feels very good, for example, how it hurts the pancreas, the symptoms of any other disease, love games it is better to postpone.
In the end a small number of men can boast, which can excite a girl with a half-turn. For this you need the experience and the communication with the girl. Need to learn constantly, she likes these or other caresses or not. So with the passage of time, it is possible to create a map of the female body, and to know what particularly is excited. In others, this science is much easier than mathematics. And understand how to deliver the enjoyment of a woman, much more interesting than any other science. The most important thing-the constant practice.
How to determine that a man excited
Women are called to excite men, to make them go crazy, but how to define, that a man excited. For this in our arsenal huge amount of tools. But how to understand what your partner really wants for you and no one else.
Of course, the most clear sign of horny men is erection. Not to notice its very difficult. But let's assume that you are using for the first time this phenomenon or it is your first sexual relationship. Erection – this is the hardening of the penis.
During an erection the penis male organ actively in the blood, the penis increases in length of 5-7 cm and 2-3 cm in diameter. Very often, men use the term "I have risen", which means that now is experiencing an erection. In fact, without it the sexual act only, not to be held. Then, thanks boner!
However, not always the an erection indicates an excited state of a man. Very often, men is observed morning erection. Usually occurs in the early morning for a number of reasons. But in this article, we do not consider these cases, and we take into consideration those situations, when an erection occurs naturally in the course of intimate relationships.
Well, if you cannot see the individual parts of the body of a man, or talking on the phone with him, for what reasons you can define, that the man you want?
The voice . Listen to his voice. If your object of attention excited, his voice low and a little hoarse. This happens in virtue of the fact that during the excitement in the body are released hormones that influence the work of the ligaments. In fact, with women, the same thing happens. In an intimate voice becomes velvety and a little low.
If a man is very excited, he begins to gesticulate or bend the hands at the castle. The feeling, if you are trying to restrain themselves and their desire. Or vice versa, if the desire is very large, the man will try to touch the object of desire, lightly touching the hands or the face.
Look excited a man becomes narrow and a bit like glass. It can be a long and hard look at a woman, like devouring with the eyes. Sometimes it is a state similar to trance. In principle, the state of excitation in men something similar to a trance state.
If you do not have eye contact, how to determine that the excited man. For example, the conversation happens by phone, during the excitement, the breaks become longer. This is consistent with the fact that in an excited state, men are very much concentrated, not thinking of anything, except their feelings and desires. The same shyness manifests itself during sexual intercourse. So do not be offended if your man is silent and does not say. Believe me, your body now has much more appealing.
The testosterone in a woman's body
Testosterone, the female hormone produced in the ovaries and provides the up-regulation of fat and muscle tissue, and also sexual desire.
According to research conducted by experts, the level of testosterone in women can be different depending on the age.

Girls, that have not reached puberty, the blood contains about 10 nanograms per deciliter of blood is low enough for girls of childbearing age. With this, after the first few months of this percentage grows up to 70 ng/dl. It is interesting to note that the first signs of menopause the levels of testosterone in women increases. Pregnancy is a too strong influence on the content of testosterone in blood: the concentration of a hormone can grow up to 4 times! That because of such changes? The fact is that testosterone is a hormone essential to the female genital apparatus.
Thanks testosterone occurs the development of follicles in the ovaries, this hormone is involved in the formation of the skeleton, regulates the activity of sebaceous glands, which affect sexual arousal and also improves the mood of the girls.
Quality muscle mass also depends on him. Low level of the hormone leads to the fact that the muscles are running low, the body becomes bad, and the volume are increased because of the formation of fat in the body. If the hormone is normal, metabolism, optimal, and sports and proper nutrition will lead to the formation of beautiful and elastic the muscles and not fat.
The state of the bone tissue depends largely on the level of the testosterone. When this female hormone estrogen plays a protective function, prevents injury and fractures of the bones, and testosterone in women affects the structure of the skeleton, which consolidates the his. For this reason, he is prevention. This disease in most cases it exceeds the post-menopausal women, when their body loses the lion's share of testosterone and estrogen. It is necessary to maintain the data level of hormones in the norm, to save the bone tissue strong and healthy.
Testosterone - the hormone of good mood. This hormone allows a girl to feel cheerful, cheerful, combat fatigue, tiredness. Even with the systematic intake of vitamins, proper nutrition, and a good holiday girl may feel weak and lethargic it is possible symptoms of hormonal imbalance. It is possible that this condition is caused by a deficiency of testosterone in the body, so they need to improve.
Work genital receptors is not possible without this hormone. It is he who stimulates sexual desire by acting on certain areas of the brain. Is the same as its properties can improve the brain activity in general, and also prevent the depression and distraction. The girls, who are always in a bad mood, you feel insecure, you should check the concentration of the hormone in the blood.
Adjust the level in the body is possible through the administration of hormonal drugs. However, it is necessary to pass the test and receive the advice of a qualified expert of medicine, which tells in detail the rules of hormones.
In spite of the excellent properties positive of testosterone for women, excess of this hormone can lead to consequences more unpleasant, rather than a deficit. External symptoms in order to improve its women serve men signs: increased hair growth of the skin, lack of express waist and hips. There is an excessive oiliness of the skin, the appearance of acne. Many women notice errors in the menstrual cycle, if not the absence of the menstrual cycle, which can also serve as a symptom of increase testosterone.
Head of hair can fall out, and in the area of the chest and abdomen, he places the fat. When the woman may suffer from insomnia, unreasonable mood swings, pain in the lumbar region and ovaries. To confirm or disprove the suspected relatively high levels of this hormone helps in the analysis of the blood. According to of testosterone in women varies within 0.45 to 3.75 nmol/l. This figure can vary depending on the age of the woman, during pregnancy and at menopause. The excess testosterone in women can be a symptom of diseases of the reproductive system: polycystic ovary, a tumor of the adrenal gland and other. Diagnose the disease to help other investigations: ULTRASONOGRAPHY, magnetic RESONANCE imaging, etc.,
Factors that contribute to the increase of testosterone in women, they can become hormonal drugs, chemical additives. The causes of this phenomenon may serve: genetic predisposition, long intake of specific drugs, poor nutrition, pathology of the endocrine system, causing the level of the hormone a deviation from the norm .

An increase of the male hormone the women are not to be neglected, to avoid further health complications. The excess hormone causes ovarian dysfunction, causes a crash during the menstrual cycle. The lack of a timely control over the standard of testosterone can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus in advanced age, and other serious diseases. Violation of the process of ovulation, that is indissolubly connected with the ovarian activity, which can lead to infertility and chronic miscarriage pregnancy. To an increase of testosterone in women because of the malfunction of the pituitary gland in the development of obesity.
Unfortunately, a increase of testosterone in women, is today considered one of the most common diseases of the endocrine system. However, the timely identification and treatment of the disease can help minimize the unpleasant consequences of this imbalance of hormones, and bring it to normal. Qualified medical endocrinologist to select an appropriate treatment through the application of particular medicines.
A woman may adopt measures that help to bring to normal levels of the hormone in general. You need to adjust your diet, give preference to the dietary and natural products, give up the booze and bad habits. Then the increase of testosterone in women can be adjusted.